Fill Out Forms On Mobile Devices And Online

Fill out forms anywhere, anytime, online, or in the GoFormz mobile app. The GoFormz mobile app is fully functional offline, ensuring your team can continue their work, no matter how remote their location.

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How to fill out a form on a mobile device

To fill out a form you must first create a Template. A Template acts as a blueprint for your digital document, used to define its formatting, data fields, and features.

1. Log in to GoFormz mobile

Download the GoFormz mobile app on your phone or tablet and log in.

2. Generate and fill out a form

Select ‘New’ from the menu bar and generate a new form. Fill out your form by tapping and completing form fields.

3. Complete your form

When you finish filling out your form, tap ‘Complete’.

How to fill out a form online

1. Log in to GoFormz.com

Navigate to the Forms tab and click ‘New’. Then, select the Template you would like to generate a new form from.

2. Fill out your form in the Form Editor

Your new form will open in the Form Editor. Click through each form field and enter the necessary information.

3. Complete your form

Click ‘Save’ to create a draft version of your form, or click ‘Complete’ to submit your form.

Instantly review, share, and process completed forms

Completed forms can be reviewed and shared in real time. You can even configure simple automations to instantly upload completed forms to Cloud storage or email completed forms to other users.

invoice signature image, a map field, and an electronic signature.

Need help getting started? Schedule a demo now!

Schedule a demo with our specialists to learn more about filling out your first digital form, creating a Template, and more.

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Online Form Sharing FAQs

How many forms can I fill out and submit?
You can generate, fill out, and submit as many forms as you need.
Do all users in my account need the same type of device?
No! Users can fill out and submit forms on their preferred iOS, Android, or Windows device.
Does the mobile app work offline?
Yes! Unlike other digital form solutions, GoFormz is fully functional offline, allowing your users to work from any location, no matter how remote.
Where can I find my form drafts and completed forms?
You can view and access form drafts and completed forms in the GoFormz mobile app and online, within the Forms tab.
Can someone outside of my GoFormz account fill out a form?
Yes! Click here to learn how to share and collect forms from people outside of your GoFormz account.